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uwhguy READY GO

Separate teams line up on either end of the playing surface. Wearing a mask, fins and snorkel, while carrying a stick, each player anticipates the start. The chief referee makes a motion and then shouts: “Ready Go!” Muscles twitch as the race begins to the centre of the playing area. Frothing water is sent spraying in all directions. Players disappear; the water calms. Chaos returns in a split second. This time, the spray and splash is followed by heavy and laboured breathing. Players’ dive again bent on advancing a puck-sized disk towards the opposing team’s end. Like schooling or feeding fish, players travel in pods. They advance. They retreat and then they advance again. The choreography is intense yet subtle. A desperate scream echoes through a snorkel. The intensity increases for a moment. Calmness returns almost immediately as a pair of hands appear from the depths to signify a goal. Each pod of players returns to their side and within seconds the shout comes again “Ready Go!” The water is again transformed into a frothing mass of turbulent water.